CCP Links Page...

OTC_Twit_logo2 The district's magnet Drama Program, The Calhoun "On Tour Company".

pastedgraphic-43_textmedium Our neighbors to the south, The JFK H.S. Choral Department.

JFK BANDS The JFK H.S. Band Program website.

4878342_origThe JFK H.S. Orchestra website.

pastedgraphic-44_textmedium Our school district, The Bellmore-Merrick CHSD.

chs The Calhoun High School Website.

pastedgraphic-45_textmedium Our community supporters, The Merrick Chamber of Commerce.

LNPC The National Association for Music Education website.

images The NYS School Music Association website.

pastedgraphic-48_textmedium The Nassau Music Educators Association county website.